welcome ♥,

hey, welcome to my blog
xox, ninis

Desember 21, 2008


hey you guys well i'm officially back from my osis camp zz, well i'm going to tell you about my whole week spend my time with school program, osis camp. But now i'm going to post some awards that my friend gave me and it took so long ya to post it well i dont know why

so the first awards came from Bita! & prila

and the rules are :
1. Each blogger must post this rules
2. You need to choose ten people to be awarded and list their names
3. Don't forget to leave them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog

and the ten people are.....gadis tania nadyahaidi! marsha nadia bm sheila putri marsha mba ifa sama lupa namanya -,- maaf males gue link in

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nis ada pr buat lo, liat di blog gue&& jangan lupa kerjain oke